Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I cancel my membership?
  2. Why do you have the answers but the original test paper is not available for download?
  3. I have a test paper, but I cannot find the answers on your website. What can I do?
  4. Will you accept school test papers from overseas?
  5. I cannot figure out the answer. Can you explain to us how you did it?
  6. The answer is incorrect. What should I do?
  7. Can I see some sample answers first before I subscribe?
  8. I have an active subscription and have logged in, but I cannot see any answers. Why?

1. How do I cancel my membership?
Payments are taken through Paypal. To cancel the subscription, Paypal requires it to be done directly on your Paypal account, which we do not have access. The following simple steps will take a minute to complete.
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click the ‘Profile and Settings’ icon at the top right corner of the page.
3. Under ‘My Money’ (or ‘Payment settings’) on the left panel, click ‘My Pre-approved payments’ (on the right hand side).
4. Select ‘’ (or any other seller with a recurring payment). On the next page, click Cancel. After confirmation, you should see the status changed to ‘Cancelled’.

2. Why do you have the answers but the original test paper is not available for download?
Some test papers have been obtained through unofficial channels, and they have not been published online by the school. The answers (and solutions) are published as they are our original work. Gradually, we will work with all schools in questions to allow us to publish their test papers.

3. I have a test paper, but I cannot find the answers on your website. What can I do?
If you are a paid member, just send us a request. Depending on our resource level, we will try our best to provide the answers to you provided that you agree to let us publish the answers online.

4. Will you accept school test papers from overseas?
Yes, of course. Our main focus is in secondary school entrance exams. In England, it is around 11 to 13 years of age, and it is called 11+ and 13+ exams. If we cannot provide the answers, at least we would appreciate the opportunity to share the test papers with other parents.

5. I cannot figure out the answer. Can you explain to us how you did it?
Depending on our resource level, we will try our best to describe the solution.

6. The answer is incorrect. What should I do?
We are just human beings so some errors do exist. Please be patient with us to make this website accurate. If you have come across any error, just use the contact form, or the comment page to contact us. We will continue to make this website better so that it will serve you even better.

7. Can I see some sample answers first before I subscribe?
After a simple registration process, you can access the free sample answers here.

8. I have an active subscription and have logged in, but I cannot see any answers. Why?
If you have successfully signed in, it is likely your browser does not have the width to display all the information on the page.

  • Solution 1: Maximise the browser by clicking on the ‘Maximise’ button on your browser.
  • Solution 2: You can click ‘+’ sign next to Year to expand the table. You can then click on the ‘Answers’ button to open the answers page.

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